Saturday, May 22, 2010

Then You Hit the Wall

The balls are up in the air.
They follow the juggling routine going round, round, and round.

  • School meetings, activities, assessments, assemblies, concerts, parties, paperwork and graduation.
  • My own children's lessons, field trips, conferences, homework, parties, performances, picnics, graduations, and just regular routines.
  • The houses laundry, dishes, dust bunnies, cooking, cleaning, and organization.
  • Worry about family and friends who have way bigger concerns than me. 

Eventually you hit the wall.
The balls drop to the floor.
You attempt to grab them while they are still bouncing.
They stop bouncing and become still.
You stop. Stare. Cry.
Then one by one, you pick up the balls and start juggling again.

After all, this is LIFE!

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