Thursday, September 3, 2009

5th Grade Wears Me Down

You may just have seen how much, had I left the original title up, which read "5th Grade WHERES me down." No worries though cause I caught it before you all began judging my ability to teach, especially spelling.

Week two of being back in school is now history and I suppose the term "back to school" isn't really relevant anymore. Everybody is pretty much settled into their routine although Zoe doesn't officially start her preschool program until next Tuesday. She will continue going to the same daycare where she has been these past two weeks though, just a different room and new teachers. She is very excited about her new teachers and has been counting down the days till she can join them so I'm thinking this last transition is going to be pretty smooth.

I am having a blast in 5th grade and every day they amaze me with what they know. I swear that this year the kids are probably going to be teaching me way more than I teach them. Starting with the math lesson of what is a "composite" yeah had to go ask another teacher that one. We don't talk prime and composite in 3rd grade. Guess I'll be doing extra math homework this year.

Switching grade levels though is quite an experience. I took for granted all the things that I had ready to go after teaching 3rd for 5 years. The transparency's, the activities, the worksheets, the letters home...all ready. This year it's back to creating and copying everything, which translates into late school days, bringing overflowing bags home at night, and fighting for the copier every morning. Not my favorite parts of 5th grade for sure.

I'm slowly getting ahead transparency at a time.

As far as plans for my four day weekend.


  1. I'm glad it's going well! I'm kind of in the same boat...on a much smaller scale! I've gone from teaching the 2nd & 3rd graders at our weekly homeschool coop to teaching a jr high lit class! Totally new & different, coming up with totally new material, but also fun & exciting.

  2. I am glad you are settling in but so sorry you are exhausted! I can not imagine dealing with more than the 2 soon to be 3 kids that i have lol. Teachers are truly my heros!

  3. Glad that you are enjoying the 5th grade. I remember those days of creating plans and items when switching things up in a year. Of course, I also recall when I was teaching and got new text books and had to change things up. Oy!

  4. LOL - hope you really are getting plenty of sleep! And you'll be caught up in no time!

  5. If it makes you feel any better, the kids LOVE you!! Ethan comes home with a smile every day and thinks that Mrs.T is the BEST!! :) The first year is always the hardest...but they appreciate all that you do for them, and so do their moms and dads!!


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