Monday, October 6, 2008

It's All About "Love"

Zoe has been asking for a kitty for awhile now and honestly since Mako, our dog, died over the summer we have all been missing having a pet around the house. So we decided for Zoe's birthday we would get her a little friend. I asked around school to see if anybody knew of a kitten who needed a home and our nurse said her hairdresser had found a kitten and just the night before asked her if she knew anybody who was looking for one. Dylan and I went to visit it a couple weeks ago and fell in love. Since then we've been visiting it almost every day after school as the lady told us she would hold it until Zoe's birthday. It was getting to be a bit much to take time to go there after school and Dyl was having a harder and harder time keeping the secret so we decided to give Zoe an early gift.

Since I took Friday off we picked up the kitty on Thursday night and brought her home. We sneaked her in and went straight upstairs to where her litter box was going to be. After a few minutes we asked Zoe if she would like an early birthday present. Well, hello, of course she did! So she sat on the couch and covered her eyes.

We put the kitty in a basket and sat it next to her.

When she opened her eyes she seemed speechless over the furry thing she saw. She said, "It's a kitty. Do we get to keep it?" When we told her it was all hers, she picked it up slowly and carefully giving it lots of kisses and a great big hug, which I'm sure the kitty loved. Here Zoe is with "Love", her new kitten.

The last few days have been spent yelling at her to put the kitty down playing with the Love and helping her feel at home. I'm personally thinking she is adjusting just fine as she Meow's at us to feed her, jumps on our bed and paws at our face in the mornings, and sleeps in the middle of our bed all stretched out. Oh and did I mention she likes to read blogs?

Yep, she is fitting right in with our family!


  1. Hilarious last picture....adoreable first picts.....yay for Zoe, now DO NOT TELL Chloe!!!! :D Have a great week, girl!

  2. I love them kittens. So much so that I have 7 - yep, I'm a crazy cat lady. The 2 dogs and 7 cats keep me entertained and always in good company. Congrats on the addition.

  3. Love the pic of Zoe and the kitten. That is so sweet!

  4. What a cute kitten! I love the picture of Zoe with the kitty. Love at first sight!

  5. way too cute!

  6. that is so sweet!!!! i'm so jealous - i LOVE cats, but mil is super allergic. no dice. babysitting is more important ;-)

  7. Awwwwwww!! So cute!!! I think Zoe picked a great name for the kitty cat!! I have 3 cats of my own - it's so much fun when you first take them home and they are so tiny and cute...

    Hope everything goes well with your new family member - I can tell it already is :)

  8. Love is so cute! I can't wait to meet her this weekend. Love, Aunt Steph

  9. LOVE it! : ) How sweet - a little girl and her kitten!

  10. Awww. How cute is that kitten?!

  11. That is too cute that Zoe asked "Do we get to keep it?" Everyone needs a little Love!


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