Monday, September 8, 2008

Catch Up and Waiting

I have had a lot of people ask how the interview went and realized that I never did tell you all about it.

It was first thing Friday morning, which was nice because I didn't have all day to fret about it. By the time I got to school, got my students settled in, and made some quick plans for my student teacher and the teacher who was covering my room, I was on my way.

The job is at the sister elementary school in our district. I actually worked there my first year of teaching, but then got transferred to where I am now after the number of students increased due to re-districting. There was a small panel interviewing me, including the principal, assistant principal, and three teachers. I knew all of them in some capacity, which I think made it a bit tougher because I wasn't sure how professional and how casual to be. Hopefully I was somewhere in the middle!

I went armed with my resume and a teaching portfolio that mostly showcased my reading achievements. A teaching portfolio that was put together on Wednesday and Thursday night instead of sleeping! I was given two pages of questions that I would be asked and was told that anybody on the panel could also ask additional questions if they chose. They started at the top and went on down. An hour and 15 minutes later I was finished! I couldn't believe that it had taken that long. I was later reassured that it was not because I was long winded at all, thank goodness...I'd hate to have bored them to death.

I felt okay after the interview, but thought I could have done much better answering some questions. Answering the reading strategy questions were definitely my strength, but I didn't feel prepared enough to answer some questions on providing professional development to the entire staff. Then again as a teacher, I am limited with the experience I can get for this so I guess I was as prepared as possible. There are also certain initiatives that they would have liked me to have training on, but again as a classroom teacher I was only given limited training. All in all, not to bad. They are interviewing more at the beginning of this week and then we shall see.

The great thing is that I will be happy either way. If I get the reading specialist I know that it will provide me with some wonderful new challenges, learning experiences, and provide me with the opportunity to take on more of a leadership role within the district. However, if I don't then I will continue doing what I love and working with my 20 students and their families, giving them the best 3rd grade possible. I am very happy being a teacher and wouldn't mind in the least to continue doing so.

The most important thing is that I went out and tried. I got some exposure and sent the message that I am open to new opportunities. I know that even if I don't get this position there will be other opportunities down the road. And I'm okay with that!

But for now, I'm just waiting. Waiting to see what God has planned for my next adventure.


  1. As you say, you'll be happy with the outcome regardless but I still hope you get the new job!

  2. Glad to hear how it went and love your attitude about it.

  3. Oh boy, an interview. Gosh I haven't had to do one of those in so long. I'd be a big ball of nerves!

  4. I got the giveaway prize you sent! Thank you so to get me some Starbucks. I won't let myself indulge unless I have a gift card. So, thank You, Thank you, thank you!

  5. You know, you did your best and that is simply all you can ask for. I am proud of you!

    I have stuck to my points today, and was very concious about what I ate. How did you do?

  6. WOOHOO! Sounds promising Still Praying!

  7. I'll keep you in my prayers, Mel. To take your mind off of things, I tagged you with a meme. Hey, I do what I can!!

  8. Good luck! With whatever you choose! And forget my comment on teachers over there at Stinky. It was late and I was really complaining about nothing! Well, it turned out to be nothing as I was doing J Girl's homework late at night only to come to find out it wasn't due the next day!

    What's funny is most of my friends are teachers, so when I complain to them, their like, "ugh-hum....hello! I AM A TEACHER!"


  9. You have the right attitude. Good luck with everything!

  10. I always feel that interviews could go better. They are so nerve racking, no matter how experienced or qualified you are!

    Put it in God's hands, that's the thing to do!


Go ahead...tell me like it is!

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