Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WOW Weekend - Part 3 Guitar Hero and Company Picnic

So we are on part three, which will finally conclude our WOW weekend. Who would have thought that one weekend could have possibly needed three posts?

You all know how much I enjoy our Sundays since the whole family is home together. We always do something, however, this Sunday we didn't leave the house until almost 4pm. What were we doing all day?

Oh yes! Our friends had purchased it for their son who was away and graciously allowed us to try it out. I was determined to complete every song on the easy level so I could see if some of my favorite Aerosmith songs were included. Yes my fingers were in pain, yes I could see my TV moving up and down (if you play Guitar Hero you totally get what I'm talking about), and yes I managed to rub the stickers right off the buttons, but by golly I completed that level!!

The deal was that it would be left it with us on Friday and we had to promise to take it to the company party Sunday night so it would be in the house when their son returned on Monday. I'll let you take a guess what happened! Yep, left it at home and remembered about a half hour away from the house. Lucky for us our blogstalker friends love us lots, or at least my husband, so they forgave us and plans were made to return the game early in the morning. (You will be happy to hear that we did remember it then!!)

So after finally completing the level we took a venture out into the real know the one where I am most definitely NOT a guitar hero!

We attended hubby's company picnic Sunday evening. The great thing about my husbands job is that it is in a family owned business where they really do consider families. They used to have a big Christmas party, but instead have a summer picnic. It is always a nice afternoon as they have a beautiful, wooded lot overlooking the bay. They also have a pool that keeps this kids occupied and this year, since the employees have been producing more and more children, there was a little kiddie game section and...are you ready for this...pony rides!! I would love to be able to tell you more about the picnic, but seeing how I was planted next to the ponies for the four hours we were there since Dylan and Zoe wouldn't get off, I can't really say how it was. Thankfully our friends, Shawn and Lynette, hung out with us over by the ponies too.
Doesn't it look the like Dylan is racing on the horse. He looks so focused and check out the horse's mane. And it's Dylan and his horse rounding the corner in first...
Ride em' cowgirl!
I love that kid's smile and check out the horse posing for the camera!
Mr. Shawn and Zoe...friends out for a ride.
The princess and her prince ride off in the sunset. Isn't the view behind them gorgeous?
Just a little taller and I could catch the sun.
Zoe with one of her bestest friends, Mrs. Lynette, climbing up the curving staircase to a deck with a view let me tell you. Yes, that is a strawberry daiquiri she's holding and oh my gosh were they yummy. When they were made correctly with lots of whip cream that is!
Some people will do anything to get on the blog. Mr. Blogstalker rockin Zoe's purple sunglasses.
Mommy and her little man. He is pretty darn cute if I say so myself.

So there you have it. Our weekend recap. If you want to read it all together you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Thanks for sharing the weekend with us!!


  1. Looks like you all had a great time!

  2. good luck - i have tried and tried and TRIED and i canNOT play guitar hero.
    not my talent, i guess ;-)

  3. We do love Guitar Hero. But, my husband had the chance to play Rock Band this past weekend and says we have to get it. One person sings, one on drums, and then guitar and bass. I can't wait!!


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