Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Achey, Breaky...EVERYTHING!

Obviously I need to clean more! Not only did I find some interesting things underneath my bed, the side tables, and my treadmill, every muscle in my body is aching right now!! I really cannot believe how sore I feel and know that tomorrow is not going to be fun. I may as well start the Ibuprofen now. I am getting old!

But, I have a very organized bedroom, closet, hallway, and two bathrooms which I am thrilled with. I stuck with it all day and after 10 hours, 4 bags of trash, 2 bags of stuff for eBay, and 2 bags plus some for the yard sale I have some very decluttered areas upstairs. Wahoo!!

Just wait until you see my pictures on really are not going to believe your eyes!!


  1. you inspired me to stay put this rainy sunday morning and put some effort into getting a clean "house". Granted my house is a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment but still- you wouldn't believe how things clutter around here. Got to the hall closet and threw stuff away and reorganized. Got into Abe's closet. Found a bag to take to my moms and one for consignement.
    thanks for the incentive!!

  2. Let me know when the yard sale is, we can do it together! Laurie


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