Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I just realized that I had forgotten to chat a minute on my weight loss for this week. While I have been very busy it's really been more because there is not much to report. My scale is staying strong at 143 fluxuating maybe by a 1/2 pound up or down depending on the day before. Here I complained about the frustration with making excuses and I am doing better about not making them. I did make my 0 point soup and have been taking it for lunch everyday. It is very filling and good too. I have been eating more veggies and have at least one fruit a day. With my National Board deadline looming I have not been able exercise which I think impacts the loss. Since I am down to the last 13 pounds I think exercise is what I am going to need to do to get them off. However, from the moment I walk in the door after work until about 11 at night I am typing and working on my Board's. I know some would say that you have to make time for exercise, right now it just is not my priority as I try to finish my portfolio. I have been trying to park further away from school and walk more during the day just so I get some, but walking on the treadmill...not happening. It will though once I send my Board's on their way and I am confident that I will then see the pounds melt away. Until then I am going to keep plugging on, watching my portions, drinking my water, making mostly good food choices, and eating my 5 a day!

Week 56 / -.5 / - 42

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have full days and I can totally understand not having the time to exercise. Sounds like you are still making lots of healthy choices. My prayers for surviving this time with all of the weather interruptions! :-)
    Path to Health


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