Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Princess


Today is Zoe's 3rd birthday! As a kid I remember how the days would drag by taking a day more than forever for your birthday to come around, but I swear my own kids birthdays seem to occur every other month. It is hard to believe that 3 years ago today I was in the hospital waiting impatiently and painfully to see my baby girl. I was curious to see what it was like to have a daughter after being stuck in the male world with my hubby and son for the past 3 years and couldn't wait to even up the numbers. Without too much trouble Zoe made her arrival and I was in love once again. She was perfect, passing her birth test with flying colors, and latching on right away to nurse. Dylan was a very lazy eater so it was nice, or so I thought at the time, that she was so quick to latch on and start munching. Then my darling daughter started showing her true colors...screaming at the top of her lungs for the entire night! She literally nursed about every 30 minutes and sometimes less, I think she was mad because she wasn't getting milk! At one point the nurse came in and asked if I wanted her to be taken away to the nursery...of course, me being the supermom declined the help and to this day regret that decision!! To all you pregnant people out there, for goodness sakes let the nurse take the screaming kid and get some sleep because there will not be anybody to even offer when you get home!! Somehow we made it through the night and of course she was looking cute and adorable for all her visitors the next on the other hand...not so much!!

Skipping to three years later, my daughter, I must admit, is looking just as cute and adorable as ever. She is also still screaming to get her way too! Maybe things haven't changed too much in three years after all. She is such a ball of energy and overflowing with love for life. She loves to explore and use her imagination whether for a tea party, playing mommy, dressing up, building castles, or for a million other things. Every day she is surprises me with something and makes me smile. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her, but until then I am planning on enjoying all the time we have together and taking time to smell the flowers with her.

Happy Birthday, baby...Mommy, Daddy,and Dylan love you very much!!


  1. That is just so sweet! My little girl is four and 3/4, so the tears started flowing thinking of her as a three year old. :) Enjoy every moment, it goes so fast!

  2. What a gorgeous child! Well worth the pain you had to endure three years ago.

    Your chicken stir fry recipe looks really yummy too! I don't count points but I've been told I have a few WW friendly recipes on my site if you are looking for ideas, you can decide for yourself if there is something you might like.

  3. She is so beautiful!!

  4. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your beautiful princess!!

    I totally agree about letting the nurse take the baby at the hospital- I have the same regret as you. If I had only known that a year later I would still be hoping for a full nights sleep- I would have let them take Hailey so I could sleep.

    Anyways- she's a beautiful girl and I'm sure you are very proud of her!!

  5. She is so precious! Treasure every moment. They fly by so quickly!

    When I had my second baby, it was everybody else's baby who was screaming all night long. My baby had to be woken up to eat! It was in a Scottish hospital with an open ward, so not much privacy. My sister had come to help, so when I got home, I got lots of rest. :-)


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