Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookie Rocks

If you can't tell from the title of my blog, I have a thing for chocolate. Or anything sweet really.  Even my students know this. So they loved when I kicked off our Earth Materials investigations on Rocks and Minerals with a project of observing a chocolate chip cookie.  

The thing about rocks is that they are made of ingredients so in order to identify a rock, geologists must determine the minerals that make up the rocks.  We put on our geologists caps the other day to determine the "minerals" that make up chocolate chip cookie "rocks".

Using the chocolate chip cookie, the students practiced using properties such as shape, color, texture, etc to describe their rock. They also learned how to accurately measure the diameter, circumference, and depth along with mass.

They seemed to enjoy it, but I think they may have enjoyed eating a "rock" at the end while we read the book "If You Find a Rock."

If you teach rocks and minerals or want a fun way for students to practice making observations with properties or taking accurate measurements check out my Chocolate Chip Cookie Rock printable.
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