Unbelievable. If you would have told me just a year ago that I would run a few 5K's in the coming year I would have laughed at you, hard!
It's been a long, cold winter and I confess that not much running took place after October. Instead it was replaced with feet up in front of the fireplace and roasting smores. Yeah, not such a great switch, at least for my
Last week though, here in Delaware, we welcomed spring with open arms. We were blessed with some absolutely gorgeous weather and it beckoned me to run with it. So off I went.
Last Monday I ran 3 miles up to my local beach. It felt fantastic!
Then this past Saturday I ran a 5K at Fitbloggin. Once again - felt fantastic.

This week I Learned that I missed running.
- I missed the sound of my sneakers hitting the pavement.
- I missed the feeling of freedom as I run.
- I missed the exhilaration I feel when I finish.
- I missed the calmness in my mind, body, and spirit after running the stress off.
But I'm here to share that we're back together,
Me and my running mojo,
and it feels awesome!
So who wants to run a race with me??
Don't forge to visit Musings of a Housewife to see what everybody else learned this week.