There are the going to be the usual blogging sessions discussing SEO, how to pitch media, moving to Wordpress {I'll be skipping that one}, getting published, making money with your blog, and social media. But then there is the session on Body Image and Blogging, a 5K in the morning, Mizfit's Muscles in Minutes, breakfast with a dietician, and some healthy cocktail and reception hours.
I've been looking forward to FitBloggin ever since I first heard Roni talking about organizing it last summer, but as the date approaches I have to confess that I'm getting pretty nervous.
Now I'm not nervous about the conference itself. I'm looking forward to learning more bloggy tips and tricks, and of course I CANNOT wait to meet some fabulous ladies I've been talking too forever. But it boils down to the fact that I'm feeling very unfit for FitBloggin.
In case you haven't noticed there hasn't been much talking about my weight loss since my broken record post a little over a month ago, then my few posts about Special K challenge. I also haven't talked about my running since November or any other exercising for that matter. That would mostly be due to the fact that there hasn't been any exercising occuring. I think my Nike + has recorded maybe 5 runs since the beginning of the year!
I really don't know what my problem is.
Could be the winter hibernation thing cause I did feel much better last week when we were in the 50's, I even got in a 1 1/2 mile run last Monday?
Could be the increase in my blogging and twittering?
Could be my complete lack of motivation?
Could be the busyness at school and with life in general?
But, those are all just excuses.
I have to stop the darn excuses.
Maybe if I put the energy I use towards making excuses of why I'm not counting points, eating healthy, losing weight, and exercising to actually doing all the above I would get somewhere. Hmmm.
I twittered about my insecurities of FitBloggin and how I was feeling so unfit. Ami responded saying how she was looking for FitBloggin for inspiration. I thought that sounded like a great idea so I'm tryig to swtich my outlook of the conference. I have to admit to myself that maybe I'm not going to FitBloggin as a fitblogger, but maybe I'll leave as one! or at least the aspiration to become one {again}.
On a positive note:
I am down 1 more pound from my post a month ago. We won't talk about how I was down 2, but one found me again! I have done a couple days of 30 Day Shred and have decided to try it again with my Ipod because while I totally think the workout works, I get bored and very tired of listening to Jillian say the same thing over and over.
In hopes of
I am signed up to run the 5K at FitBloggin next week, but am scared to death I'm going to look like a fool since I've slacked on the running. I'm hoping to get in a few runs this week to boost my confidence. I KNOW I can do the run, but it isn't going to be pretty for sure. I have also signed up for a local 5K that is on my 1 year running anniversary. It was last April that I ran my 1st 5K and this year I'm doing the same run. I'm also checking out some other races to keep me on my running toes. If I know I have a race coming up, then I will stick to training.
Then of course there is the food.
The food that has been going down way to easily.
The food that I've been turning to for comfort.
The food that has been controlling me.
The food.
Well. No more.
I'm taking back my life, my stomach, my body!
This week I'll be counting every.single.thing.
and I will NOT be counting too many.
Who's with me?
Will I be seeing you at FitBloggin? If so leave me a comment so I can come meet you beforehand either on your blog or on twitter.