Saturday, November 22, 2008

What a Wonderful Day!

So I'm a horrible bloggy friend! I tell you that I'm going to find out if I passed or failed a huge endeavor I endured for a year and half and then leave you hanging. If you follow me on Twitter you already know, but...


I am officially known as an accomplished teacher.
A nationally board certified teacher!

I am so tickled and even this morning when I woke up still can't believe it. I really did it.

Let me catch you up on yesterday...
You all know that I found out Thursday night that scores were going to be released on Friday mid-morning. Of course then my question was what is mid-morning and what time zone are they talking about! I get to school at 7:30 (EST) and you know the first thing I did was go to the online score page to see if they were posted. I entered my info, hit submit, and it immediately popped up "you do not have any scores released." I proceed to keep that same page up and every time I go by my desk, hit the submit button. Each time the same message immediately pops up. That is until about 9:15. When I hit the submit button that time, it started thinking, s.l.o.w.l.y. I then began to panic as I realized I was about to find out. I thought about just turning off my monitor really quick, but you all know my Type-A so of course there wasn't anyway I could do that. So I waited, not breathing, until I saw...

You are now a Nationally Board Certified Teacher.

I cannot even begin to tell you the euphoria that I felt at that time. I stared at the computer screen for about a second and then flew out of my room to my friend's next door, proceeded to break down her door, and completely interrupted whatever the heck she was trying to teach and screamed...I PASSED. Later she said she kind of figured by the way I flew into her room! Of course then I called Dave, text everybody, emailed my address book at school...I pretty much shouted it around the world. Except for posting it here. Bad blogging person that I am.

Needless to say the rest of the day was shot. I am sure my students went home and told their parents how crazy their teacher was. Thank goodness I had an afternoon of crafts planned because we could at least do something.

Everybody has been so sweet from my principal, co-workers, friends, family, and even the students around me were all coming by to congratulate me. It was nice to know that so many people are proud of my work and what I have accomplished.

I must thank all of you too because as I did briefly try to check my email yesterday I was amazed by all the emails asking me if I passed and telling me they were thinking good thoughts. I appreciate all of your encouragement and support. I love my blogging community!!

So now you know the story. Forgive me for taking so darn long to get it on here. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have been able to even form a complete sentence because I was a blubbering fool yesterday.

Oh and hubby did take me out to celebrate with dinner and a movie and even created a snow squall for me, but I'll tell you about that later today. Right now I really have to drag myself out of this warm bed to go rescue Grampy and Gramma from my kids since they so graciously offered to have them for a sleepover last night.


  1. Congrats, Mel! That is so wonderful and I am happy for you! You Rock!

  2. Congratulations! I love that happy feeling you had all day!!

  3. Congratulations Girl!! So happy for you!! I read your tweet yesterday and smiled all evening!1 :)

  4. congrats, mel!!!! i'm so happy for you!!!!

  5. Congrats, Mel!! I was checking your site all day yesterday! I'm so happy for you!

  6. Again I say AWESOME!! Good job... all that hard work paid off!

  7. Congrats... that is very exciting!! And thanks for finally filling us (your bloggy followers) in! We were checking your site like crazy yesterday or at least I was:0) Again Congratulations on a job well done!

  8. Congrats! That's so awesome!

  9. Congratulations Melissa!!! ...and from everyone I know...I've been telling all who would listen ever since I heard yesterday! I never doubted it and I am so proud of you! Love, Aunt Steph

  10. Congrats Mel! That's awesome!
    So glad you had a great time last night too.

  11. Mel.
    I knew you could do it! I have tears in my eyes because I know how happy this has made you! Congrats, you deserve it! :)

  12. WOOOO HOOO girlfriend!!!! Congratulations. I can only imagine the elation (and the relief!).

  13. Woo hoo! You rock! Oh, and you interrupted the "Sparkle" game, getting Faith ready for her spelling test :) She said "Mrs. T was acting very odd, but she passed a very important test, so I guess it's ok." ;) Congrats!

  14. That's awesome!!! Congrat, Mel!!! Woohoo!!! :))

  15. I saw that you commented on an old post about National Board...I passed! Woohoo!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Congtratulations!! That is a HUGE accomplishment!

  17. Congrats girl! How awesome!!!

  18. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY FOR YOU!!!!!!! :D Jumping UP and DOWN here dancing the HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!!!!! Soooo excited and so proud, way to go!!!!! :D :) xoxo

  19. Congratulations!! Great job!

  20. Congratulations! What an achievement and an honor for you and your school. Your students and your family must be so proud!

  21. This is wonderful and knowing all the hard work you put into this I have a better idea of just how big this accomplishment is.
    Congratulations, Mel!!! I guess this is another thing to add to your Things I'm Thankful For list.

  22. YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!

  23. Congratulations! I think I started reading your blog when you were pulling your things together! What an AWESOME accomplishment!

  24. Congratulations! I think I started reading your blog when you were pulling your things together! What an AWESOME accomplishment!


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