Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Two Down and Two to Go

Sorry for my spotty posting lately. Now is the crunch time for my National Board's as my goal is to have everything boxed up by Saturday. I have two of the four entry's packaged up already!! I can't believe that I am almost finished with the portfolio process. It is so nice to see that light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter and brighter. I signed up for my assessment center in May and then I'm done! Then it is just the waiting game since I won't get my score until November, which stinks because patience is not something that I was blessed with.

State test is this week for my class so that has been a bit stressful too. My kids are doing great though, I am so proud of how hard they are working. Hopefully we will see some great results when we get the scores in May. (What is it with scores taking so darn long??!!) Today was a break day so we all took it easy just reading and doing some light math. I like these days when I can lay on the floor with the kids and read with them!

The exciting thing is that a week from today we will be flying high on our airplane headed to San Diego! I am getting really excited although somewhat overwhelmed with the idea of getting everything done before we leave. Right now we only have the flight and a car rental when we get there. I guess I should at least get us a hotel to stay in, huh? I am thinking the kids may need some new spring clothes too so a shopping trip may need to occur sometime. We are planning on doing the Zoo, SeaWorld, Legoland, and a day at Disneyland so it will be action packed that is for sure. I just have so much fun being with Dave and the kids and going on adventures in a new place. I will do my best to blog through the vacation so I can share some pictures with everybody. Girlymama told me about a great Mexican restaurant and if anybody else has visited let me know if there are some must do's!

So all in all, life is rolling right along here in our household. Good things are coming soon!


  1. May I suggest that at your day at Disneyland, make sure to attend the Princess Fantasy Faire. It includes a Royal coronation, story time, and many more surprises! I just took my three year old there. It was my daugher's favorite part!!

  2. YAH! So glad for y'all that you can get AWAY for a while...enjoy your week as I'm sure you will! Heaven knows you deserve a little break...rooting for ya, Mel! Love to you!!


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