Well this all brings me to the focus of Pastor Danny's sermon today...recovering our lost treasure. Today's treasure was passion...passion in the Lord, passion in your marriage, and yep...passion in your job! He discussed how every job you do, whether working at Subway, designing web pages, or just vacuuming is a sacred job that we should be doing to the glory of God. The idea that we must have enthusiasm in life in order to have and share this passion was another point that Pastor Danny was trying to make. Now we haven't been to church in a few weeks, but now I know why God wanted us at church today...he knew what I needed to hear. I do feel that I have been called to be teacher because I have been given a gift to work with children and have a passion to make a difference in a person's life. For some, the hug I give them at the end of the day may be the only hug they get that day, the snack I give may be the only snack they receive, the positive words I speak may be all they hear that day, and the love of learning that I share with them may be the only push towards education that they will receive. I have been given a special and blessed opportunity to touch somebody's life and make a positive change in it so I must now get back this passion and show enthusiasm in my work.
So this week is going to be better!! The students will get into the routine, I just need to reinforce the positive, replace the negative, and remember to SMILE! Because after all my job is not all about me, but it is all about glorifying Him!!
Oh yeah...and today Pastor Danny had all the teachers, bus workers, and administrators stand during the service while he and the congregation prayed for us and the coming year. This was such an encouraging time. I also got a $5 WalMart gift certificate...WOOHOO. Yep, the week is starting off FANTASTIC!!!

I feel you babe! these first few weeks of school can be rough going. Last year I had the Special Ed. kids and it was def. more challenging than this year is. Thankfully I signed up to have an intern from Towson this year so the extra set of hands in the room has been wonderful. It is sometimes hard in the middle of kids fighting, not following directions or just simply zoning out to remember that this little classroom is our mission field and that we are the closest thing to parents some of these kids get.
ReplyDeleteI'll pray for you if you'll pray for me to be the best teacher, parent, cheerleader and friend that we can be to these little ones.
I felt your despair, but by post's end, I felt that enthusiasm coming through. Wishes and prayers for a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteI will pray for you because I am so thankful for you and people like you. I could never be a teacher- I could not even be an effective tutor, thankfully the little girl just needed some one-on-one time!!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you teach?
I'm praying for you