I feel like I'm still 18.
So how can I possibly have a kid headed to high school next fall?
One of my first posts was my little boy beginning Kindergarten.
Now I'm writing about him getting ready for high school!
Somebody stop the time!
This past December, Dave and I attended a parent information night at the high school to learn about the pathways that students are expected to choose in 8th grade to follow throughout high school. Pressure much?
Dylan had visited the high school that day and came home very overwhelmed with all the choices. He was extremely nervous thinking this was going to be one of the most important decisions of his life. We assured him that really it wouldn't be. Not even close. So we started by eliminating pathways; performing arts acting and vocal, nursing, construction, vet, sports medicine, etc.
That narrowed it down to three: Performing Arts Instrumental, Communication Arts, and Pre-Engineering. We then started discussing career interests. Dylan has always said he wants to eventually create the music for video games. He's also expressed interest in teaching music, which I'm sure is due to the amazing band teachers he's had during elementary and middle school. We discussed though how this is a very focused major. We explained that if he keeps up with his piano lessons and is part of band he will still keep progressing in music. He decided to cut Communication Arts as he was not too interested in graphic design, which was the focus of the classes. That left us with Pre-Engineering. Of course this pathway only accepts a limited number of applicants so now we are keeping our fingers crossed.
He has gathered the recommendations, completed the applications, wrote his essay, and submitted it all this week. Now we wait.
Next up, attending the scheduling meeting at the end of this month.
Who knew that high school planning started in the middle of 8th grade?
Exciting times as I know Dylan is off to great place, but this is one nervous mama!