Yesterday, Dylan celebrated his 11th birthday.
11 years!!
Wow. Where did that time go?!
I'm so proud of that kid.
Smart in school, great sense of humor, good empathizer, and for the most part a polite, young man. Hey, I did mention I kept him alive for 11 years, I think I earned the right to brag just a little bit!
He got to pick the restaurant for his bday dinner and hibachi it was. Our chef was amazing and had such a fun sense of humor. We were quite entertained.
The table was full with grandparents and even his uncle came out for the special event.
Then back at home came the presents and the cake.
This year instead of many small things that would later sit around we all pitched to surprise him with his very own laptop along with a new mouse and mouse pad. Except for his sis. She went for a remote control helicopter. Oh and he also got a couple small sets of Lego's. Guess what he was most excited for?
Really. There is something up there. Look closely and you will see the helicopter hovering. |
Guess she knows her big brother.
I'm sure the laptop will get its fair share of use. He already took it away from daddy to put away in his bedroom for safe keeping.
It was a good birthday.
For a fantastic son.