Friday, August 19, 2011

A Teacher's Musings at 5AM

It always happens this time of year.
I wake up in the middle of the night or in this case early in the morning thinking about school.

Yesterday, I went in for some meetings and got a few minutes to just look around my room.  I'm in a new room this year.  A room that was one of my bestest friends who moved to another school in our district.  It's going to be different this year.  We had many people leave for a new school we just opened, some went to totally new districts, and some decided to stay home with their young ones. We have many new teachers coming aboard.  Some with teaching experience and some without.

It's going to be different.
But, I'm a firm believer that change is good.
It keeps us on our toes.

Yesterday, I made my first {of usually quite a few} back to school trips to the teacher store.  Did you know on average teachers spend between $400-$500 of their own  money for instructional and classroom supplies?  Anywho, my back to school bulletin board is always my first conundrum.  I try to do something that excites the kids and makes people who walk pass, smile.  When I saw the popcorn border at the store I had to get it.  I mean, who doesn't like popcorn?  Then I found some cute die cut pieces of popcorn and popcorn bags that would complete the board.  Which brings me to why I was up so early this morning.  My bulletin board tag line.  Every great bulletin board needs a tagline so here are a few I came up with:
  • Mrs. T's class is POPPIN'
  • Mrs. T's class is POPPING with new knoweldge
  • Mrs. T's class is POPPING with success
  • POPPIN into a new school year
  • We're POPPIN in 5th grade
and that my friends is why I woke up this morning.  My brain was POPPIN!
Any of those jump out at you?  Do you have an idea I can steal?

So today, I'm heading back up to school on my own time.  We can get in our rooms today, Monday, and Tuesday to start setting up.  I love setting up my room!  Everything a blank slate. A fresh start. Full of opportunities.

It's going to be different this year.
But, it's going to be AWESOME!
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