Saturday, October 2, 2010

O' Blog How I've Missed Thee

This morning was the first time I've looked at my blog in almost two weeks, let alone thought about writing on it.

A month into school and I'm finally seeing a glimpse of routine.  
I was dreading the idea of both of the kids and myself having to be 45 minutes away by 7:15am, but we haven't missed Zoe's bus yet {said as I'm knocking on all the wood around me}! I've been diligent about packing lunches the night before, having backpacks ready to go, setting out clothes, and then getting up with the alarm clock every morning rather than pulling the covers over my head and hitting snooze.  We've even had time in the morning to have decent breakfasts and for me to enjoy my coffee before getting in the car. Which only means I get to take a second cup on my car ride!

Meetings after school are bogging me down, but I'm slowly managing to keep my head above the water.  It's quite a year of change for education in Delaware so it's been challenging to keep up with all the new requirements, but I'm determined! I have an awesome class and they make me want to go to school every day.  I have quite a diverse group, academically, but they are some of the nicest kids.  I can tell it's going to be a great year.

Zoe is having a blast in Kindergarten.  She loves her new teacher and is excited to tell us all about her day during dinner.  She is also enjoying her new daycare, which is a relief.  The other day I told her I was coming early to pick her up and she told me not too so she would have more time to play there!  Two days a week Zoe has her gymnastics team training.  I was worried that an hour and half training after a long day at school would be too much, but except for one meltdown day she seems to be handling it well.  I love watching her do something that I enjoyed so much when I was her age.

Dylan joined band and is thrilled with his choice of French Horn.  He had his second lesson this week and couldn't wait to come home and practice since he is finally allowed to actually make noise music with it.  He is also participating in Special Olympics as a peer partner, which I'm proud of him for doing.  At times he can be pretty quiet so I'm excited to see him take on a mentor role with another student. They are working on soccer skills now which is right up his alley!  We're contemplating swim team for the winter, but haven't quite made up our mind.  It is quite pricey, but I would like him being able to do some kind of sport so we may try to make it work.

As far as Dave, he is being his usual supportive self.  He puts up with the tired, cranky wife and kids when we get home after our long day, makes dinner most of the time, and tucks the kids in after I'm already in bed! I think the two hours of quiet time in the morning plus forty-five minutes on the way home probably has something to do with his relaxed attitude!

So for now, our life is flowing right along.
How's yours?

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