Monday, April 20, 2009

That's All She Wrote

As I was trying to decide on a title for my end of vacation post I came up with the title of this post. While I don't think it fits bidding goodbye to vacation, if I ever decide to throw in the towel to blogging (which at this point hasn't ever crossed my mind) you will most definitely see it again.

Wouldn't it be a perfect way to end a blog?


  1. Love it! Perfect 'Goodbye post' title :)
    But please, PLEASE! Don't go away!!! hee hee :)

  2. I think I've also seen "That's All Folks!"

    but that one works.

  3. Perfect way to end it- lets say in 10 more years though

  4. Mel,

    Please follow me on twitter. I keep responding to your tweets and finally realized you aren't seeing any of them.. Ha ha

    Oh yeah my id is stsnfes. Don't you feel special that you have a twitter stalker.. Just kidding!


Go ahead...tell me like it is!

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