Well after reading all of your comments and receiving more and more cards I decided that I needed to leave Scrooge behind. So last night I conquered the Christmas cards. I had picked up a few packages of photo cards for only $1 each and then tackled the Christmas photo. I kept going back and forth between these two.
Five hours later, I had a big stack of cards piled up and ready to send off. Thank goodness for Google so that I can find all the addresses that I lost!!
Merry Christmas Cards!
I'm so glad you decided to send Christmas cards. ANd it is great how it was sortof a family event.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got your Christmas cards done! I would have been so torn by which of those pix to use that I probably would have sent both. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI am done too.. except for those people that I DIDN'T send to, but keep sending me cards!!
ReplyDeleteSo I can google you??