On the way home from gymnastics, out of the blue, Zoe asked if I was the one that moved our elf. I asked, "why" and she said, "just tell me the truth." I evaded the question. She again said, "just tell me the truth." So I did.
Through the sobbing, I could hear her saying, "I should have just kept it a wonder. I didn't want to really know the truth."
This past Christmas I read The Truth About Santa and I thought about how when the time came I would totally steal the letter. So I did. When we got home I held her tight while she read the letter and more tears came. I told her how we were all Santa and by helping her believe we were able to share in the Christmas magic. She was surprised to hear that her brother knew the truth, but still shared in the elf antics and Santa stories. We talked about the Christmas magic comes from seeing other people happy. Giving. Sharing. Caring.
Then, my sweet little girl, said "Thank You." As she realized where the Santa presents really came from she said she couldn't believe we would do all that for her. She gave me a big hug and told me she loved me. Both of us were crying then.
I will confess that through the ordeal I wondered if we had done the right thing. Was it right to "lie" to her all those years? Did I cause her pain that she didn't really need to ever encounter?
Then I think about all the love, magic, hope, and happiness that was shared each year. That was priceless.
It's going to be different this year. It will be interesting.
But, rest assured Santa will be stopping at our house again!