Monday, January 16, 2012
Blog210K - Week 2
I'm still running.
Yesterday, I started week 2 of my running program after doing week 1 for two weeks just to make sure I didn't overdo it to start. Week 2 consists of five, 4 minute runs with a 1 minute walk in between each of the runs. Of course there is still the 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down as well so it's a 35 minute workout.
To be honest, I was a little worried about running for four minutes straight. I'm not really sure why. I was running 5K's without walking at one point so four minutes shouldn't have intimidated me. I realize it is only one more measly minute, but considering that I was sweatin' the timer for 3 minutes I couldn't imagine tacking on another for each run. But, I DID IT!
I ran all five of the 4 minute runs!
I'm averaging about 11 min per mile and yesterday I finished 2.5miles.
I really would like to try to get to around 10 minute miles, but don't know what to focus on first.
When I trained for 5K's I focused on just finishing without walking and not necessarily my time. My first race was about 38 minutes and my best was 32. I would love to get a 5K in consistently under 30 minutes.
Any runners out there?
Do you focus on distance or time?
Any tips for how to increase your run time?
So this week my running plan is to complete week 2 and head right into week 3 when I'm finished. While the plan is based around 3 days of running I am thinking of aiming for four and then the days I don't run complete Jillian's Kettlebell DVD. I did that last week and it worked.
Until next time...
Stay Strong!