Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back to School For the Teacher

This past week was back to school for students.  Teachers went back earlier, but with the hurricane we got two unexpected days off.  Then it was a rush to get the room finished, names on everything, and plan the ever important first day.

Wednesday was the first student day back. 
The kids and I didn't have any problem getting up as we were all excited with some of us more nervous than others.  The best thing about this year is that both, Dylan and Zoe, will be in my school so we only have one place to go in the morning, no daycare drop offs!!  After easily flowing through our morning routine we were on our way.  As we were driving along I was feeling pretty good as I had remembered to get both kids, their backpacks, their back to school supplies, as well as my own back to school supplies.

Then it hit me. 
I had forgotten my lunch.  It was sitting all packed in the refrigerator. Where I had looked at it at least three times that morning.  While I was a bit bummed, I figured it wasn't the end of the world and resigned myself to the fact that it was cafeteria lunch for me.  Then I realized that I forgot my introduction sack! Every year I take a bag of items that introduce me to the kids.  I always take some pictures of my family, beach stuff, shoes, camera, books, ipod, running numbers, and chocolate to share.  This year I forgot.  I decided my students would just have to wait one more day to learn more about me.

So while my kids were all ready for their first day in 1st and 5th grade, their mom wasn't quite as prepared as she thought for her first day.

The day went on though.
My students arrived.
We proceeded through the day of getting to know each other, taking tours, reviewing rules, sorting paperwork, as well as lunch and recess, always favorites.  The day had all the bumps that first days always have, but we kept chugging along and before I knew it the day was over.

The 2011-2012 school year has officially started.
Only 178 more days till summer vacation!!

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