Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Breakfast in Time

I never lived near my grandparents growing up so when we would make our annual trek to Michigan I so looked forward to seeing them. I have so many great memories from visiting. 

One thing I remember is that when I would spend the night at my grandma's she would always make me a big bowl of Coco Wheats for breakfast.  It would be so creamy and chocolatey, but would also have these little lumps that I loved. Oh how I looked forward to that breakfast.

At our house in Maryland though, my mom never could really find Coco Wheats. We would sometimes bring a box back from Michigan and it was a great treat to enjoy at home, but before long the box inevitably was empty.  I was thrilled when Dave and I moved to Delaware because lo and behold our local Food Lion had Coco Wheats!  However, I guess I was the only one who was excited about this because before long they stopped carrying it.

Skip forward to yesterday when I was walking through Wally World when what to my wandering eyes appeared...boxes of Coco Wheats!  I may or may not have bought all that was on the shelf. 

So now you know why I took this picture

and shared it on Facebook and Twitter.
And why I'm now writing a whole post about a breakfast item!

Doesn't everybody blog about their breakfast?
Have you heard of Coco Wheats?  Eaten them before?  Thoughts??!!
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