Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday

My weigh-ins for Weight Watchers have always been on Saturdays, but I like that the Sisterhood shares their weigh in results on Wednesdays. It is a nice mid-week check up on how I'm doing for the week. So on Saturday, I reported I was down a pound making my loss for the Shrinkaversary Challenge -1. Hoorah!

I'm thrilled to report that I'm doing much better at staying within my point range this week. No more counting, and counting, and counting. I decided to divide up my 35 weekly allowance into each day to give me a 5 point wiggle room during the weekdays. It seems to be working so far! I also made a batch of zero point soup which is a big help with my lunches.

Then there is the activity points.
Being part of the Globetrotter's Challenge has kept me motivated to keep tracking my activity and this week I logged 6.5 miles. Woohoo! Although I have to confess that I only got in two walks/runs this week, which means I need to get moving a lot more often. My activity goal this week is to break out the treadmill again and walk during my TV time.

I know I can do even better from here so I'm going to finish the week strong and by next Wednesday's Weigh in I would love share another pound loss and to have doubled my miles!


  1. Glad to hear you're doing better on WW! I'm still struggling...but not as much as I was last week!

  2. Great job! Love your blog~ Have a wonderful week!!!


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