Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's My 500th Post!!

I cannot even believe that this is my 500th post, but that is what blogger is telling me. Now granted I have a few scheduled posts, which haven't posted yet, but are still counted towards the 500 so technically maybe this isn't really the 500th post or it could be considered the 500th post, but out of order...

Anywho...I'm going to go with what blogger says and say this is my 500th post.

With the 500th posts comes a lot of pressure. What to do, what to do, to celebrate such a wonderous occasion. So after asking my twitter friends for help this is what I decided...

I am going to give away a $5.oo Starbucks gift card to 5 of my lucky readers (thanks simplyamusing for the idea) !! Along with the gift card I'm going to include a box of chocolates (thanks twithhoney for this idea) because that would only be fitting in recognizing my blogging achievements, huh?

So what do you have to do to win?? Just show me some love! You can do this in a couple of ways, tell me one thing you have learned about me through my blog, one thing you enjoy about my blog, or tell me which of my blog posts are your favorite. I'm all about's the mommy and teacher in me I guess.

I would love to get some new readers too so if you give me some linky love and share my celebration with your readers on your blog not only will I be forever grateful, but I will give you two chances to win. So link up, puh-lease!!

My give-a-way will end in exactly one week, Saturday June 28th, so come on all you regular readers, lurkers, and new bloggy me the love!!! (and if you want to show me the money that would be perfectly fine too!!)


  1. 500! YEAH!
    I have to say I love reading about your experience as a teacher. I loved your post about NO homework, I even linked it on a mommy forum I am on, it got positive feedback there too! Keep it up!

  2. Mel, 500! That's awesome. I love your blog because I think you are very real and also very kind. It shines through with everything you write. I was really looking forward to meeting you at the meet up and I'm glad I did. Keep up the good work. Oh, and I figured out my 6 word thing. It's kinda simple but I think it sums me up.
    Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale......

  3. 500!? Wow! I'm about to post about it being my 200th and I was all proud of that. I'm nothin' compared. Go you!

    I still haven't thought of what to do for my little celebration. And since I deleted my Twitter account (Heh:) I can't follow suit and get ideas that way. Hmmm....

    Oh, and I don't know what your blog looked like before you changed the name, but I love how it has turned out, particularly the background and the banner.

  4. Mel,
    I have enjoyed reading about how you juggle motherhoon and teaching! As a teacher and mother also, I appreciate your honesty! I'm also impressed with your honesty while going through the National Boards process. I have my fingers crossed for you and looking forward to hearing the results!

  5. 500! Congrats on that milestone, Mel! I love the bright, happy colors of your blog, and the conversations with your kids. And just the varied content, I know I will always get something different when I click on your blog. That's why I read.

    You're a fun twitter-friend, too.

    (I don't need the Starbucks card, this is just some love and encouragement)


  6. Congrats girl! For me, love all the twitters....and that's how I came across this post! Although I am a daily reader also....

    Looking forward to another 500 post! Wow, what are you going to give away for 1000 post???

  7. What an accomplishment! Congrats on getting to 500 posts. I love clicking on your blog b/c it's a happy place. The colors and your sweet words are always uplifting!

  8. 500 posts! that deserves a pat on the back. pat..pat..

  9. Okay I am a new blogger. Super new. I would do the linky love but I sadly don't know how. Now I have to call Sarah who has had no phone forever...Poor thing she lives to talk and with no phone service must be racking up the cell bill.LOL What I love about you blog so far is the feeling I get. I feel like you are the genuine thing. An honest , sweet , mom and educator. My favorite post was the reflections on friends. I have just a few real true friends and it made me take a moment and call then so Thanks .

  10. Hello Mel,
    This is my essay on what I like about Mel and Mel's blog. I like Mel because she is nice. Mel tells it like it is and always surprises me with the off the wall topics she comes up with.
    Another reason I like Mel is that she gave me her advice as a teacher and I very much appreciate it. She likes chocolate, she takes wonderful pictures (the people wanna know) and she likes pretty colors.
    ~~I could not resist writing in this manner as I have always found it very amusing when children start their essay out with .... This is my essay about...I am sure as a teacher you can appreciate!
    Congratulations! 500 is a big number!

  11. I've linked to you.
    Thanks for a great blog that I enjoy with my morning coffee and web jaunts!

  12. Please don't enter me. I just wanna say Happy 500th post!! Woohoo!!

  13. Congrats on 500! That's great. I like to check in because of the chocolate header - lol! No really, you are a great blogger. You have a nice variety of posts and I enjoy that!

  14. Woo-hoo! Congrats on hitting 500! I never comment, cause I'm bad and always read through my feed reader and never think to click over. LOL But I'm a sucker for the pictures. I can't help it, you've got such cuties!

  15. Congratulations! I particularly love reading about playtime with Dylan and Zoe especially since I think anyone who names her children Dylan & Zoe spelled exactly that way has excellent taste. I would never put my son and daughter's given names on my blog, but I do think that Dylan and Zoe are the best names ever. ;-)
    TX Poppet at Canned Laughter

  16. Hi Mel,

    I'm a new reader and learned about you from Lil Mom that Could. I love, love, love your five point fridays feature. I just had a baby and am jumping back on the ww wagon, so it's a GREAT resource! Congrats on your 500th post. I just had my 100th and thought I was cool...guess you're five times cooler ;)

    Sally HP

  17. Hi Mel,
    I've linked you now.

  18. I wrote a whole post about the giveaway! I even stole a pic of Dylan and Zoe, I hope that is okay. If it's not, let me know. :)

  19. Happy 500th post Mel!

    I love your Meme's.. I always look for them when I am having a wordless day.

    Looking forward to your next 500 posts...

  20. My first time here!!! I love chocolate and love how your blog is set up!!! I will be back!

  21. 500th Post - woo hoo! Congrats! I love your colors, it always makes me smile even when I'm in a cranky mood. And the stories about your family always make me laugh or warm my heart. Keep up the good work. (And I gave you a plug over at my blog).

  22. Hi Mel! Congrats on your 500th post, and thanks for the invite to join the contest! Starbucks and chocolate...I'm in! I am just getting to know you, and I don't check in nearly now I WILL link to your blog on my blog and I WILL add you to my favs. Me likey you because you are my only DE blog friend, and the first post I read was your super-genious ironing board/treadmill invention. That was awesome!!! :)

  23. Well, Kristen the shoe addict sent me your way. I have to say that I am "not in it to win it" but that I love all your colors and you seem like a really creative girl! I love blogs of all kinds especially ones I can relate to. You can tell you love being a mom and are happy. I am glad Kristen shared you with us!

  24. Congrats on your 500th post. That is really cool...keep up the great work and it'll grow quicker the next 500.

    Great giveaway too, I'd love to win!!!

  25. Ahhhhhhhhhh... Happy Birthday and I LOVE your blog colors! How cheerful!!!

  26. I really enjoy reading your blog. Plus, love the layout.

  27. Congrats on 500 posts! That's wonderful!

    I have learned that you have worked hard to get healthy, that you love chocolate like me, and that you have cute kiddos!

    I did the meme that you tagged me for and I linked to you and linked to this post.

    Nice giveaway!

  28. This is my first time on your blog. But after poking around a bit I would have to say I always enjoy seeing before and after pictures from household projects, so those would be my favorite posts.

    Congratulations on your 500th post!

  29. Oh, and you can come see the link on my blog too!

  30. I ♥ your blog and I have learned that we have a lot in a ♥ for NYC :P

  31. Hello! :)

    I learned that you are addicted to blogging (don't worry, so am I!)

    As for your daughter and your blogging time, I say she gets priority. Try to stay away from blogging while the kiddos are up, except of course to quickly check for comments! ;)

  32. I'm a lurker....bloggy friend.....oh, I don't know what I am, I'm just here. And I like your humor, so that's why I read. Consider me ENTERED in the contest! ha!ha!

  33. Congratulations on your 500th post! What an amazing milestone :)

    Sounds like a wonderful contest! So sweet of you.

  34. Congrats on your 500th post!!! :) I can always use a little chocolate! :)

  35. Happy 500!! I'm glad I stopped by tonight and found this contest. I love reading your posts cuz they always seem so down to earth and real! I can't think of a "particular post"...I guess I haven't been reading consistently enough to answer it really, but I LOVE reading it.

    I liked todays post about computer/tv time. I think we always encounter this in the's too hot to play outside, and its so easy just to turn the tv/computer on and just VEG out....I've been doing it ALOT this week, so I know all about this.

  36. So I am very new to this whole blogging world, but I think your blog is great. I can really relate to you as a fellow mommy/wife. I can only dream of getting up to 500 posts. Congrats!!

  37. Congratulations! I honestly do not know how I came upon your website. I have learned that your name is Mel and that you live in Delaware. My best friend lives there so I have been there a few times. I think one of my favorite things about your blogs are your Wordless Wednesdays. So much can be said with them. Thank you for providing me entertainment at work.

  38. Starbucks AND a box of chocolates? Now that's a GREAT giveaway for a 500th post!

    Mel, not sure how long I've been reading your blog but it was one of the first I discovered when I started blogging a little over a year ago. And I keep on coming back. Why? Hmmmmm... first, you make me laugh and second, I can relate to most of what you have to say. You're posts have a little bit of sass and humor blended into the reality that is life plus you seem to put up a little bit of everything just like an assorted box of chocolates. Congrats on 500 posts!!

  39. Yay Mel x 500! : )

    I found your blog a few months ago I guess (or maybe you found me?) and I love reading it. Your kids are about the same ages as mine so I feel like I can always relate to what you have going on. Plus, you are living my dream of living near the beach. I'd love to live near the beach!

  40. Yup! You are a blogging momma! :) I can tell you are proud of your kids and family and want to share them!
    I found out about this site through Hisbeloved and not a moment to soon as the drawing is about to commence!

  41. I am new. Brand new. Today in fact, is my first visit. I'd love to start with Starbucks and chocolates. Great idea btw! I love the fact that you are a fellow Philly area mom blogger. I am catching up, but I am enjoying your posts a lot. Hope you'll stop by my blog too.

    I see you blogged about going to Dutch Wonderland. We were there as well just a few weeks ago. I blogged about our trip. Not so much the DW part of it, but just the impact a family road trip can have on you. It is here if you'd like to read
    Take care

  42. Did I make it in time for the free chocolate and starbucks? you know I wouldnt miss this!! I hope I win!! Congrats on a great blog! I love keeping up with the Tuttles- we couldnt ask for better friends! Love you guys- thanks for a TERRIFIC week =)

  43. congrats on your big 500! i missed the deadline, but i've been checking you out in my reader (haven't clicked thru till now to see all the CHOCOLATE photos, whoohoo).
    all the best for 500 more!!

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