Dylan celebrated his birthday Marine style in honor of his Uncle Dan!!! Luckily it was a beautiful day so the little guys could run around outside and play on the jungle gym with the NEW rock wall addition. The party was a blast and I think the kids enjoyed themselves! Here are some pix to share in Dylan's special day.

Thanks to Grandpa Bob our cake turned out awesome! It looks easy, but let me tell you creating a camouflage pattern out of fondant takes quite some time.
TROUBLE is what you call these boys! I was worried that the party wouldn't be as fun with only a few kids, but let me tell you having 4 boys over for a birthday party is MORE than enough to make a party hop!
God blessed us with an absolutely gorgeous day so the kids all played outside to wear off some energy. We had a tank pinata so that kept them busy for a bit and we even opened presents out there too!
I still can't believe that my little man is 6 already! When I was younger, I never could fathom how people could say time went by fast, when to me it seemed like it was crawling. Now I know exactly what everybody was talking about. It seems only yesterday that Dyl became a part of our family in a little 8lb package wrapped tight in a soft blanket and now he is in Kindergarten. Dave and I are so blessed with such a special little boy. He is a great joy to have and as his teacher told me the other day "When Dylan smiles, it can make anybody's day brighter."
Happy birthday Dyl-meister...
Mommy and Daddy loves you kiddo!!
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